Design Patterns for Kubernetes Controllers

Happy April Fool's Day! I guess this is the day where I'm supposed to make some ridiculous product announcement, so, uh, today I'm very excited to reveal that, uh, all my future blog posts and research papers will, uh, be written by a robotic stuffed, uh, elephant that I've named Blogophant. Blogophant will soon be on sale so that you too can write blog posts with a stuffed elephant for the low, low price of—you know what, never mind, I'm no good at this, forget it. Also, if you're a paid subscriber you're seeing this a few days early which I guess ruins the joke even more.
No, what I really want to talk about today is writing Kubernetes controllers. This post is inspired by both my own work on SimKube, as well as some conversations with colleagues, including this thought-provoking Mastodon thread from Dr. Lindsey Kuper at UC Santa Cruz. I've written a few small-ish controllers and I can definitively say that they are very hard to write well1. This is partly due to the inherent complexities of distributed computing, and also due to some of specific implementation choices in Kubernetes.
The way I described this in the above Mastodon thread is that a Kubernetes controller is a distributed state machine, where the only information you have is "what state you were in a few milliseconds ago, assuming that none of the systems communicating state to you were broken or lying." The controller needs to use this incomplete information to try to move towards a desired end-state, which is, naturally, non-trivial2. The standard mechanism for ensuring correctness in Kubernetes controllers is idempotence, which roughly means if you do the same thing multiple times it doesn't change the result after the first time. By writing your controllers in an idempotent way, you can be sure that if your state information is incorrect or out-of-date, and you try to make a change that's already been made, nothing will break. Surprising no one, idempotence is hard.
What I find frustrating is that there aren't any good resources out there for to write controllers well. There's the kubebuilder book, which is a really good starting point and introduction to the concepts, and there are dozens of Medium posts that re-iterate the points from the kubebuilder book in less-clear ways3, and then there's the Istio controller, which is basically "draw the rest of the f***ing owl".
However, there don't seem to be any references or books on how to go from "baby's first controller" to Istio, which is a real shame, because one of the big strengths of Kubernetes is the ability to customize its behaviour through custom resources and controllers. There are a lot of posts out there lambasting people who choose to write controllers, when actually I think we should be encouraging more of them. We just need to make it suck less first4.
Effective Kubernetes Controllers
Early in my career, I read Effective C++ by Scott Meyers; this was a really transformative book for me in terms of how I think about writing code. It was the first time I thought about writing code by "composing specific patterns or best practices that work well" instead of just "throwing down a bunch of spaghetti to see what sticks". In it I learned about, for example, RAII and other such design patterns for making safer C++ code. C++ of course has changed a lot since that book was published, so some of the specific patterns in the book are no longer considered "good", but the idea of the book is still tremendously important. What I want to have is the book on "Effective Controllers".
I am not an expert Kubernetes controller developer, but in this post I want to share a few patterns that I've been using in my controllers in the hope that maybe they'll be helpful for someone else. It's entirely possible, of course, that these are actually anti-patterns that I shouldn't be using, and if you think that's the case I'd love to know that as well. But we have to start somewhere, right?
Pattern 1: Check your desired state first
Most of the controllers that I've written broadly fall into the following pattern:
Do some setup stuff
Do the thing
Do some cleanup stuff
Something that's always bugged me from the kubebuilder book and other references I've read is that it approaches this in a very linear fashion. In other words, the controller code looks like the following:
func reconcile() {
// Do some setup stuff
if !condition_A {
if !condition_B {
// Do the thing
if !thing_running {
// Do some cleanup stuff
if thing_done {
This setup (with each individual if-block) is how the code ensures idempotence, i.e., if the controller crashed in between do_setup_A()
and do_setup_B()
, we can "pick up where we left off". What's always bugged me about this pattern is that it runs through all the setup code every time reconcile
is called, even if we're already halfway through our task. The way I've started writing this code is by inverting the logic: first I check whether I'm in the desired state, and only if we're not, do I call the setup functionality:
func reconcile() {
state := check_desired_state()
if state == nil {
// Do some setup stuff
if !condition_A {
if !condition_B {
// Do the thing; we already checked the state and it wasn't
// running, so don't need an additional check here
} else if state == Finished {
// Do some cleanup stuff
This code looks a little uglier5 but I think it communicates the intent better, which is namely: we want the thing to be running, but if it's not, we should start it. It has the added advantage that it reduces calls to the apiserver, because we only check conditions A and B if the thing isn't running, instead of every single time.
Now, you could argue that this is actually a bad pattern6, because if something changes down the line so that whatever setup we did in step A is undone, we don't check that and restart or recreate it. But the thing about design patterns is that you have to know when to use them, you don't use them every time. So if your controller needs to continually ensure that the setup conditions are still met, then you probably shouldn't use this pattern. At least for the controllers I've written, however, if the setup conditions stop being met I'd rather just mark the whole thing as "Failed" so that the user can investigate.
Pattern #2: Take advantage of the built-in Kubernetes garbage collection
Kubernetes has some really sophisticated built-in garbage collection that allows users to set "owner references" on their objects; when an object's owner no longer exists, then any objects that reference that owner are automatically cleaned up by Kubernetes itself. The kubebuilder book and plenty of other sources say you should be setting owner references to take advantage of this automatic cleanup, but I've taken this a step further in SimKube.
I think maybe my use case is a bit different than more "typical" controllers, where "deleting your custom resource" is equivalent to "deleting all the stuff that the custom resource controls." But I wanted to put this pattern down anyways in case other folks are doing the same thing. See, with SimKube, the Simulation
custom resource should stick around—I want people to be able to inspect, debug, investigate, etc. the results of the simulation after it's done; but, all of the "other stuff" that I set up needs to be torn down at the end of a simulation. This is sorta similar to the Kubernetes Job
object, where the jobs stick around after they've completed so that users can see logs and so forth.
The way I do this in SimKube is to create a separate, totally empty, custom resource type called a SimulationRoot
, off of which hangs all of the other things that I want cleaned up at the end of a simulation (this includes certificates, prometheus, webhook configurations, services, and more). That way, in my controller, when I'm ready to clean things up, I just delete the SimulationRoot
object, instead of having to track and remember all of the different resources that I created. I view this sortof like RAII for Kubernetes controllers, and it's not a pattern I've seen anyone else mention, so I thought I'd leave it here.
Semi-pattern #3: Don't rely on values in status fields, they can be incorrect
I'm calling this one a semi-pattern because I don't actually know how to reason about this in a general case. The specific thing that started me down this line of thought was the knative bug that Prof. Lindsey and her grad student found, but I'd also been independently thinking about this for SimKube. The core of the bug (as best as I can tell) is that the controller for one custom resource was looking at the status field of a different custom resource to determine readiness. The status field for CR #2 could go from "Active" to "Inactive" during the course of normal operation, which would make CR #1 appear unready even though it actually was ready.
The fix for this issue was to create a new status field for CR #2 called HasBeenReady
, which only goes from false
to true
, e.g., it is monotonic in the language of distributed systems. But… this feels like a really weird fix to me, and seems like it maybe has other race conditions hiding in it somewhere?
In SimKube I've done a bunch of effort to avoid this exact sort of pattern, where I treat the Simulation
status field as purely informational, and not as a "state storage" mechanism7. To me this makes sense, because many controllers don't block or fail if the status field fails to update correctly. In other words, the status field of your own custom resource may be out of date and unreliable.
But then I started thinking: what is a status field update, except (ultimately) an entry in etcd somewhere? And, really, what is any Kubernetes object other than an entry in etcd somewhere? Etcd doesn't make a distinction like "this key is less reliable than that key", so what basis do I have for saying that "status fields shouldn't be read from"? In point of fact, SimKube is still reading from status fields to determine its behaviour: it looks up the state of the underlying simulation driver (just a regular ol' Kubernetes Job) to determine the state of the simulation. Should I not do that? How else would I tell that the driver is running without looking at its state?
I think the actual answer here is that you need to understand the properties or behaviour of the state that you rely on. For example, I "know" that a Kubernetes Job, once created, runs through the following states: Pending
-> Running
-> (Completed | Failed)
. Once the Job hits the end, it never comes back, and I know that if I query the apiserver and find a Job, that it must be somewhere in that transition pipeline. Based on those two bits of knowledge, I can confidently say that if my Job is in a terminal state, there will be no other updates that move it out of that state, so I can mark the simulation as "finished". On the other hand, if the Job exists but it isn't in a terminal state, then I can mark the simulation as "running", because the Job is either running or it will be soon. But the Kubernetes API client will return an error if the Job couldn't be created, so I can be guaranteed to never end up in a state where the Job object exists in etcd but has not actually been created.
I was initially a bit skeptical about Lindsey's monotonicity line of reasoning, but as I've been writing and thinking about this more, maybe the actual design pattern we need to encourage is "don't rely on non-monotone properties8". And, maybe (?????) members of the status field of objects have a tendency to be non-monotone? I can't quite tell if I believe that or not.
Wrapping up
Anyways those are my current thoughts on Kubernetes controllers. I may do a follow-on post to this sometime in the future if I come up with other patterns that I think are worth sharing? But I'd also like to double-stress that I have not written controllers on the level of, say, Istio, so it's entirely possible that I'm doing it all wrong. I would love to hear more thoughts about my approach, if you have any. And if anybody has written (or is planning to write) Effective Kubernetes Controllers, please let me know!
Thanks for reading,
I don't think this is earth-shattering news to anyone, there are tons of blog posts and KubeCon talks every year about writing Kubernetes controllers.
I'm using "trivial" here in the sense of the famous Richard Feynman quip: "We decided that 'trivial' means 'proved', so we joked with the mathematicians: We have a new theorem, that mathematicians can only prove trivial theorems, because every theorem that's proved is trivial."
No offense.
One way we can make it suck less is by improving the interface Kubernetes exposes to application developers; Jon Howard discussed his efforts towards this in his KubeCon talk last November.
Of course, when I'm writing this in Rust I can just use a match
statement on the state and it ends up looking relatively clean.
Or at the very least, a premature optimization.
Even this statement isn't entirely accurate, I'm using an "observed generation" field in the status to help limit the number of updates that my controller wakes up for.
I also had an insight while I was writing this that, maybe monotonicity and idempotence are in some sense dual to each other? I'm curious to know if anybody has formalized this notion – e.g., if an operation depends upon a monotone property, maybe you can prove that it is idempotent? I dunno, I'll need to think about this more.