Some of you might have noticed (on my newly-designed website!) that SimKube is now at version 2.0—and actually, it has been for a few months at this point. I had made a comment on a month or so ago that I wish more people talked about their debugging process, and SimKube 2.0 came about as the result of a sortof embarrassing bug, so I thought in this post I’d “be the change” and talk about the debugging process I went through for SimKube.
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The bug that led to SimKube 2.0
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Some of you might have noticed (on my newly-designed website!) that SimKube is now at version 2.0—and actually, it has been for a few months at this point. I had made a comment on a month or so ago that I wish more people talked about their debugging process, and SimKube 2.0 came about as the result of a sortof embarrassing bug, so I thought in this post I’d “be the change” and talk about the debugging process I went through for SimKube.